All the Guru’s are pitching “funnels.” They suggest creating them and running Facebook Ad’s to lead people into these funnels. Even Better Yet, is that “they” are suggesting you use a landing page creation software that can make these “funnels’ in mere minutes, within three clicks…img-1

So now you start to see examples of ‘funnels’ everywhere and think, “WoW, if all these guys are doing this, it must be working (and be ok). I’ll make one of these too…” and your FB journey begins.

Here is what ‘they’ are not telling you. Clickfunnels pays 40% commissions. Leadpages is similar. So is Unbounce and any other I may have missed listing here.

BECAUSE these are the “tools” of choice for scammers and spammers, they all have a low Web of Trust ranking – RED FLAG #1. THIS factor alone will cost you more money out of the gate to run ads on FB (just for using these types of tools having a low WOT rating).

Insight: Here is how you can spot an ad link from one of these tools. The URL will look similar to this: or – etc., in your browser. You can also tell by the favicon in the browser tab, even if the domain name ‘looks’ normal. OR you can ‘right click’ on a page, view page source and see what platform it is on.

TIP #1) If you are going to create funnels (because they do work) use your own domain name. Use your own tools. For example, Divi theme by Elegant Themes is an excellent theme that can create anything you can imagine and is not that hard to learn. PLUS, its not another monthly subscription payment.

Second – You MUST Follow FB advertising guidelines. They do not need you. They do not care about your money. It’s easier for them to banhammer you if you do not comply to their rules than it is for them to accommodate you making an honest “mistake.”  NOTE: I have seen fellow marketing agency’s spending over 5 million month with FB get the ban hammer for “breaking the rules.” As soon as they came into compliance, they were allowed back into the ‘playground.’

READ THIS TWICE: The NUMBER ONE reason a person or a business will get the ban hammer is NOT being compliant and having the necessary legal documentation links on the site the funnels live on. Specifically, a privacy policy page, disclaimer page, and any and all other niche related required legal verbiage. Ex: Lawyer, Accountant, Professional services, etc.

NOTE: Breakfast Club KC Members can contact me and I will provide you access to your own basic FTC account ($288 a year value) that will help you create all the compliant legal documentation you’ll need for legal compliance on your site from an attorney (Chip Cooper) that specializes in internet compliance. This is the 288.00 a year account if you were to buy it from him. Please note: I have purchased the Enterprise Annual Membership Level and this level allows me/us to grant each member a ‘basic account’ as part of your BCKC membership. For more information about Chip Cooper and FTC Guardian Click Here 

Next BIG Issue: Do Not Use your personal ad account. Go To and set up your business manager account. Inside of your new business manager dashboard, it’s going to ask you to claim/grant access to your ad account on FB (usually tied to your personal page account).
When you pull your ad account into the business manager, this is still technically your personal ad account. DO NOT USE THIS ONE ANY MORE – CREATE a NEW ad account (in your business manager dashboard) with a different credit card payment option. Then create a few more “backup ad accounts” WITHOUT entering any payment information.

In the event anything happens and you get flagged on an ad account, the options above will allow you to continue business as usual while you email back and forth with Facebook to get your flagged account re-instated (this can take weeks IF you did nothing wrong, and they feel you made an honest mistake).

There are some great helpful YouTube videos talking about what I’ve written here. Matthew Loop talks about the 8 most common reasons an account will get banned. I’ve reviewed several videos and this is the shortest, clearest, and is not full of misleading crap. Click Here to watch it on YouTube

These are the “Biggies.” Privacy policy documentation and not using your ‘personal’ ad account. There are several other considerations you need to keep in mind and if you have any questions, you can call me (info below).


Wesley J. Harrison
Contact him: 816-482-3755
Book a Consultation: Click Here


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